About Us

Dental implants have become an increasingly popular and effective solution for replacing lost teeth, supporting both full and partial dentures. However, like any surgical procedure, dental implant surgery comes with risks that require careful planning and precision to address. At CAI Tech, we understand that the success of a dental implant depends significantly on the expertise and accuracy of the dentist in analyzing CT scan images and executing the implantology process. To enhance precision and minimize risks, our team of experts has professionally designed and developed an advanced computer-assisted system. This cutting-edge technology supports dentists throughout the entire implant procedure, ensuring greater accuracy, reducing concerns, and delivering exceptional results for patients. At CAI Tech, we’re committed to revolutionizing dental implantology, empowering dentists with innovative tools, and improving patient outcomes.


Dr. Mohsen Rouhi

Founder & CEO

20-years of experience in the fields of dentistry including dental surgery, dental implant, consulting and educational activity in implantology

Dr. Tayebeh Emami Meibodi

Co-Founder & CMO

20 years of experience in the fields of 3D CT Scan Analysis, Facial Bone, Digital Medical Imaging, 3D Computer-Aided Medical Diagnosis.

Mr. Masoud Anbarani Sayyah

Co-Funder & CTO

20-years of experience in the field of medical & pharmacy software development ,Executive Management,

Mr. Reza Bahrami far a

Co-Founder & COO

20-years of experience in International Trading Management, Distribution Network, Organizing Exhibition in Medical Instrument

What we do





Automated calculations to determining the implant position & Orientation. Considering the position, angle and space of adjacent teeth in the estimation algorithm to find the best appearance of the implant.

Simulation of biomechanical force analysis of chewing. As a direct result of Accuracy we get up to 99% risk reduction in sinus problems, when dental implants placed in the upper jaw protrude into one of the sinus cavities.

Utilizing an AI-based (Artificial Intelligence) multi-objective and fast optimization algorithm with the constraints of the anatomical structure of the case to find the optimal position, angle and depth of the proper implant.

The risk reduction of injury or damage to surrounding structures, such as other teeth or blood vessels. Decreasing the risk of nerve damage, which can cause pain, numbness or tingling in your natural teeth, gums, lips or chin.


Our Vision

CAI Tech’s objectives in the process of implantology include reducing steps, reducing the surgery risk, chewing force analysis, multi-objective optimization algorithm for anatomical structure factors.

Our Mission

Innovation, Patent, Team Experience & Skill, Big Target Market, Product's Value-Added, Enough Fund, Affordable Solution, Suitable Customer Services, Unique Technique.